The total price reflects the cost for the minimum required number of licenses plus any additional licenses that you want to purchase i.e. If you need more than the minimum required number of licenses, then on the ‘Order Details’ page you can use the + and - buttons to indicate how many additional licenses are required (1 license for every User on your Dropbox Team).

Resellers must have a Dropbox-issued Reseller ID for purchasing Dropbox subscriptions. You can find Dropbox services plans on the Ingram Micro Cloud Marketplace (CMP) by selecting the option CLOUD SERVICES > COMMUNICATION AND COLLABORATION. Purchasing Dropbox from the Ingram Micro Cloud Marketplace You can click on links for detailed instructions related to the highlighted point. The Dropbox Starter Guide summarizes important features and functions which enable Customers to begin using their Dropbox subscriptions. Modified on: Sat, 30 Jan, 2021 at 7:41 AM Solution home Communication and Collaboration DropBox 01 Dropbox - Starter Guide