We offer a Auto renewable subscription that lets are users test out some of the pro features if they want to try it and see if they are worth it. Shy or don't want people to know where you are? you can blur the camera view so that people can't see street signs or other various location landmarks so that your location stays secure. Some viewers might try to DDOS you on your home IP address while today people are prepared for it and have plenty of protection against a DDOS attack sometimes people can still get your IP, If someone successfully DDOS you fire up IRLTV and go right back to being live to prove they can't control your broadcast until you can swap your IP and go back to streaming on your desktop. If you choose to give the app permission to use your twitter account the app will auto tweet out that you go live to your followers on twitter. Your broadcasts are broadcasted at 1280x720 and at a fixed bitrate no horribly pixelated broadcasts! While very few channels have Twitch Bits integrated to them right now IRLTV has integrated with the new Bits system so that streamers can see when they receive bits from viewers. IRLTV currently shows notifications for your subscribers and resubscribes that your viewers will be able to see! If your viewers are spamming emotes (which they seem to like to do) It grabs your Twitch stream key and uses current location to choose the best ingest server for you so you never have to set it.

That app handles all your twitch information for you. Social Eating With the new channel you can stream to twitch while you are out at a restaurant and enjoy the company (Kappa) of your twitch audience! You can interact with your audience from anywhere you have a cellular data connection!

No longer stuck to your computer to broadcast to Twitch, Maybe your on vacation or at a gaming event or a meet and greet of your fans. Why use periscope when you could stream directly to twitch! Broadcast yourself from anywhere live to the world! IRLTV is the uniquest way for you to stream to your audience. Subscribers and Bits Donators appear on stream for your viewers as well as the ability for you to see them