
How to get icon for hard drive on mac
How to get icon for hard drive on mac

how to get icon for hard drive on mac

A new window should appear listing some of thefolders and files that are in your computer's hard drive. Next, double-click while pointing at your hard drive icon, to open it. The icon should darken, indicating it has beenselected. Point the mouse at your hard drive icon and click the leftmouse button.

how to get icon for hard drive on mac

To illustrate, there should be a tiny picture (called an icon) in the upper right corner of your computer's screen.Different institutions use different pictures and names for thisicon, so we will refer to it using the generic term hard driveicon. The mouse button isusually used to select or open an object on the screen.Selecting an object is accomplished by pointing the mouse at theobject and clicking once, opening is is similar, but requires adouble-click (clicking the left button twice in rapidsuccession). If you are not accustomed to using a mouse, take a few moments topractice pointing at objects on the screen. The arrow is called the mouse cursor, andit is used to point at objects on the screen.

how to get icon for hard drive on mac

If you have notused a mouse before, move it around on its pad and note how the arrowmoves in response. Oneclue that you have been succesful is if you see an arrow on thescreen (pointing to about the 11-oclock position). If all has gone well you should see the Macintosh desktop. Mac OS Getting to Know the Mac Operating System

How to get icon for hard drive on mac